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Our World of Wild Wonders
Illustrated by Jess Racklyeft
Published by CSIRO Publishing
Earth’s wildlife is nothing short of extraordinary. There are colour-changing chameleons in the forests of Madagascar and cliff-climbing goats in the European Alps.
There are fluorescent fish in the depths of the Mariana Trench and wildfire-surviving echidnas in the Australian bush.
Our World of Wild Wonders explores the unique animal species that inhabit our planet. Some mighty, some meek, but all wondrous in their own special way. Shall we go explore?

Our World Full of Wonder
Illustrated by Jess Racklyeft
Published by CSIRO Publishing
Our world is full of
amazing natural wonders.
There are ghostly green lights of the aurora borealis near the North Pole, and exquisite rainbow mountains in China. There is a lake in Australia so pink it looks like fairy floss, and giant crystal caves hidden below Mexico.
These are just some of the incredible places you will discover in Our World Full of Wonder. Shall we go explore?

Happy Hearts
Illustrated by Marina Zlatanova
Published by New Holland Publishers
Happy Hearts explores the concepts of bereavement and the afterlife in a sensitive, original and magical way, whilst touching on the range of emotions a child may experience when a loved one passes away.
Jevita wrote Happy Hearts as a dedication to her mother who passed away in 2018.
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